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Когнитивный усилитель ноотропного сунифирама / Dm-235 как эффективный препарат против амнезии CAS 314728-85-3

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
Номер модели : 314728-85-3
Сертификация : GMP, SGS , ISO 9001:2008 , КОШЕРНЫЙ
Место происхождения : Китай
MOQ : Переговоры
Цена : Договорная ( Скидки на большой заказ )
Условия оплаты : Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Банковский перевод, Биткойн
Возможность поставки : 100 Кг / месяц
Срок поставки : В пределах 7 Рабочие дни
Детали упаковки : Скрытная и незаметная упаковка
наименование товара : Сунифирам
Другое имя : Dm-235
КЕЙС : 314728-85-3
Появление : Белый порошок
использование : Когнитивный усилитель
способ доставки : EMS, HKEMS, ФЕДЕКС, DHL, UPS, Арамекс, И Т.Д
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Когнитивный усилитель ноотропного сунифирама / Dm-235 как эффективный препарат против амнезии CAS 314728-85-3




Синонимы:Пиперазин, 1-benzoyl-4-(1-оксопропил)-;СунифираМ;1-(4-Бензоил-1-пиперазинил)-1-пропанон;1-Benzoyl-4-(1-оксопропил)-пиперазин;1-(4-Бензоилпиперазин-1-ил)пропан-1-он;1-Бензоил-4-пропаноилпиперазин;Сунифирам DM235


Сунифирам (ДМ-235) is a synthetic derivative of Piracetam, although due to breaking the pyrrolidone backbone it is no longer in the Racetam class of drugs (yet by being derived from them, it is still commonly associated with this class).
Sunifiram has mechanisms similar to Nefiracetam in the hippocampus, and similar to that drug sunifiram shows anti-amnesiac properties and is potentially a cognitive enhancer. Its anti-amnesiac activity is several orders of magnitude greater than piracetam on a per weight basis, and preliminary evidence suggest it has a similarly low toxicity profile.

Это соединение известно как AMPAkine из-за того, что большинство его действий осуществляется через рецептор AMPA. (одно из трех основных подмножеств рецепторов глутамата, наряду с NDMA и каинате). Это усиление функции AMPA, по-видимому, также зависит от усиления передачи сигналов через сайт связывания глицина рецепторов NMDA., хотя одна минимальная передача сигнала проходит через рецептор NMDA, воздействие на рецепторы AMPA, по-видимому, зависит от дозы..


Сунифирам (ДМ-235) is a piperazine derived research chemical which has anti-amnesiac effects in animal studies with significantly higher potency than piracetam. Sunifiram is a molecular simplification of unifiram. Based on in vitro and animal studies, it appears that sunifiram acts via AMPA-receptor activation.

Sunifiram operates by activating AMPA receptors; that is, the receptors that are responsible for the mediation of synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. Its mechanics also increases phosphorylation of AMPAR and NMDAR through protein kinase activation, which in turn enhances long-term potentiationthat is, an enhancement in signal transmission between two neurons resulting from simultaneous stimulation.

The kinase activation that is influenced by Sunifiram also improves cognitive defects. Провирон — пероральный анаболический стероид., Sunifiram works in the cerebral cortex of animal test subjects by assisting in the release of acetylcholine, the organic molecule that acts as a neurotransmitter in a host of various organisms. These operational mechanisms enable Sunifiram to exert anti-amnesiac properties.


Sunifiram increases energy levels, allowing users to feel more motivated and eliminate Sunifiram increase Levels of concentration increase, and users feel less distracted by external stimuli Sunifiram also enhances long-term potentiation, which is the forming of new connections regarding memory storage.Sunifiram has some anxiolytic benefits.Feeling more relaxed is beneficial when trying to focus.


It is very hard to determine an optimal dose for sunifiram due to such limited evidence, this gives a preliminary human dose of 0.08-0.16mg/kg (for a 150lb person, 5.4-11мг).

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In some performance enhancing circles, Masteron is viewed as a relatively weak anabolic steroid. This is largely due to the steroid having low mass promotion abilities, and many tend to equate quality steroids to their mass promotion characteristics. Some also tend to forget that while asteroid may be a quality one, it will not present notable benefits unless you are very lean. This tends to lead many to have a skewed perception of Masteron due to this improper thinking. This is a very valuable anabolic steroid, but you must understand the purpose of use and the benefits it can provide if such beneficial rewards are going to be gained. Understand that raw mass promotion is not the end all be all of the progress; understand the total purpose of use of a steroid and when to use it and you will find Masteron to be a very valuable anabolic steroid.

Фасорацетам КЕЙС 110958-19-5
Фладрафинил КЕЙС 90212-80-9
ГАМК КЕЙС 56-12-2
Галантамин КЕЙС 357-70-0
Горденин HCl КЕЙС 6027-23-2
Гиперзин А КЕЙС 120786-18-7
Гидрафинил КЕЙС 1689-64-1
Идебенон КЕЙС 58186-27-9
ГИДРА 21 КЕЙС 22503-72-6
Магния L-треонат КЕЙС 778571-57-6
Мемантин гидрохлорид КЕЙС 41100-52-1
Мексидол КЕЙС 127464-43-1
Ноопепт КЕЙС 157115-85-0
Оксирацетам КЕЙС 62613-82-5
Фосфатидилсерин КЕЙС 51446-62-9
Пикамилон КЕЙС 34562-97-5
Пикамилон натрия КЕЙС 62936-56-5
Пирацетам КЕЙС 7491-74-9
Прамирацетам КЕЙС 68497-62-1
ПРЛ-8-53 КЕЙС 51352-87-5
Ривастигмин Тартрат КЕЙС 129101-54-8
Не слушай КЕЙС 80714-61-0
Спонгуридин КЕЙС 3083-77-0
Сульбутиамин КЕЙС 3286-46-2
Сунифирам КЕЙС 314728-85-3
Уридин КЕЙС 58-96-8
винкамин КЕЙС 1617-90-9
Винпоцетин КЕЙС 42971-09-5

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