Muscle bodybuilding use Fluoxymesterone raw material white powder oral anabolic steroids CAS 76-43-7
Halotestin ist ein anaboles androgenes Steroid, das aus dem aktiven Steroidhormon Fluoxymesteron besteht, das aus Testosteron gewonnen wird; jedoch, Seine Eigenschaften ähneln eher dem beliebten Dihydrotestosteron (DHT) Steroide, außer in weitaus stärkerem Maße.
Von Natur aus, Diejenigen, die Halotestin kaufen, haben tatsächlich ein anaboles androgenes Steroid mit einigen der höchsten anabolen und androgenen Bewertungen aller Steroide gekauft. Alle anabolen und androgenen Werte werden anhand von Testosteron gemessen, welches eine Bewertung von trägt 100 in beiden Kategorien. Im Zeitalter von Halo, wie es allgemein bekannt ist, Wir haben ein Steroid mit einer anabolen Wirkung von 1,900 und eine androgene Bewertung von 850.
Halotestin Quick Detail
Halotestin: Oral Anabolic Steroid
Active Substance: Fluoxymesteron
Other Names: Halotestin, Halo, Halotestex, Halobolic, Halotest, Haloxyl
Aktives Leben: 6-8 Std
Molecular weight of base: 336.4457
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 1900/80
Dosierung (Männer): 20-40 mg pro Tag.
Halotestin Application
In terms of use in bodybuilding, the primary application of fluoxymesterone is for cutting cycles. Users often note improved muscle density and hardness when using the drug in the final weeks prior to competition. Since the compound does not aromatize there should be no concerns regarding water retention or bloat.
With fluoxymesterone, the majority of users have reported anecdotally that weight gain is minimal while on the drug, whether it be from water, fat or lean muscle. This can be a benefit to those athletes participating in sports that have weight divisions or where extra size and/or weight can be a hindrance.
The main reason most strength athletes and bodybuilders use fluoxymesterone is the dramatic increase in a user’s strength while using the compound. Due to these increases in strength and the limited weight gain associated with the compound, fluoxymesterone has long been a favourite of powerlifters and those competing in sports where explosive strength is required.
Non-experienced users of fluoxymesterone anecdotally report taking doses between 20mg to 50mg per day. Cycles of the compound usually will be run for a maximum of six weeks, with four weeks being the norm due to the risk of liver damage. Due to the active life of the drug, two to three doses of the compound are required throughout the day to maintain stable blood levels of the compound.