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Предметы для улучшения секса

» Предметы для улучшения секса

Серия Варденафил порошка повышения секса сырцовая для мужской эректильной дисфункции

Предметы для улучшения секса
Сертификация: GMP,ISO,УКАС
Номер модели: 224785-91-5
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Срок поставки: В пределах 24 часов после получения оплаты
Условия оплаты: Вест Юнион,Моэни Грам, Биткойн и банковский перевод
  • Характеристики

Серия Варденафил порошка повышения секса сырцовая для мужской эректильной дисфункции


Vardenafil is a PDE5 inhibitor used for treating erectile dysfunction. Vardenafil’s indications and contra-indications are the same as with other PDE5 inhibitors. The difference between the vardenafil molecule and is a nitrogen atom’s position and the change of sildenafil’s piperazine ring methyl group to an ethyl group. Tadalafil is structurally different from both and vardenafil. Vardenafil’s relatively short effective time is comparable to but somewhat longer than sildenafil’s. Vardenafil is a centrally-acting phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor that is clinically used to treat erectile dysfunction. Vardenafil also exhibits antioxidative and antihypertensive activities and shows some potential for synergistic chemotherapeutic ability through its modulation of cGMP- NO signaling. This compound increases expression of NO and eNOS as well as activity of superoxide dismutase, decreasing oxidative stress, pulmonary vascular resistance, and right ventricular hypertrophy and increasing cardiac output in animal models of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Vardenafil decreases proteinuria and glomerular damage in animal models of diabetic nephropathy-induced cGMP pathway dysfunction. In cellular models, vardenafil decreases secretion of IL-8 and expression of oxidative LDLR, suggesting potential benefit in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia/low urinary tract syndrome.


Beyond its indications for erectile dysfunction, vardenafil may be effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation, where it may significantly increase the time from vaginal penetration to ejaculation.Vardenafil, as with all PDE5 inhibitors, should not be used by men taking nitrate medications, because combining them with vardenafil might provoke potentially life-threatening hypotension (low blood pressure).Дальше, Vardenafil causing lengthening of the QT interval. Therefore it should not be taken by men taking other medications that affect the QT interval (such as amiodarone).Vardenafil is a PDE5 inhibitor used for treating erectile dysfunction. Vardenafil’s indications and contra-indications are the same as with other PDE5 inhibitors; it is closely related in function to citrate and Tadalafil. The difference between the Vardenafil molecule and citrate is that a nitrogen atom has different position and the change of piperazine ring methyl group to an ethyl group.Tadalafil is structurally different from both and Vardenafil. Vardenafil’s relatively short effective time is comparable to but somewhat lon ger than . Варденафил, as with all PDE5 inhibitors, should not be used by men taking nitrate medications, because combining them with Vardenafil might provoke potentially life-threatening hypotension .

Результат лабораторного теста:


Тестовые задания


Технические характеристики


Стандарт анализа




White to off-White Crystalline Powder


Белый кристаллический порошок


Температура плавления


214-216° C


214° C



Связанные вещества


A single impurity≤1.0%




Total impurities≤2.0%




Убыток от высыхания








97.0Провирон может помочь повысить эффективность






The specification conforms with Enterprise Standard


Sex Drug Raw Powder



Силденафила цитрат (Виагра)




Тадалафил (Сиалис)


Варденафил HCL




Йохимбин HCL





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