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» Жидкие стероиды для инъекций

Тестостерона ундеканоат 200мг/мл

Жидкие стероиды для инъекций, Тестостероновый ряд

Its compound contains 40 mg of testosterone undecanoate based on oil and is sealed in capsules. Minus the ester weight, which is equivalent to about 25 mg of the testosterone dose per hat. This steroid is designed to be very different from most oral steroids. Oral administration of drugs usually flows through the liver into the bloodstream. When a steroid compound is administered in this manner without any form of structural protection .

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Testosterone Undecanoate Raw Steroid Powder CAS 5949-44-0 For Bodybuilding Test Undecanoate / Андриол





Its compound contains 40 mg of testosterone undecanoate based on oil and is sealed in capsules. Minus the ester weight, which is equivalent to about 25 mg of the testosterone dose per hat. This steroid is designed to be very different from most oral steroids. Oral administration of drugs usually flows through the liver into the bloodstream. When a steroid compound is administered in this manner without any form of structural protection .


This process leaves a very small steroid intact, essentially inactivating the drug. The addition of methyl (c-17AA) to the structure is a way to protect it from the process, but the results also apply pressure to the liver. Пока что, the stress can lead to actual damage to the liver tissue, so the designer of the steroid seeks another way to protect the testosterone molecule. С Андриолом, which is produced by making a form of testosterone that will be absorbed through the lymphatic system.


This is due to its high fat solubility caused by the ester and its suspension in the oil. It is believed that the absorption of the compound in this way is very advantageous because it allows the steroid to bypass the destructive first pass through the liver. This should allow the compound to enter the bloodstream completely without the need for harsh chemical changes. Once the ester breaks in the circulation, it produces the pharmacokinetics of free-acting oral testosterone. In the design, this steroid appears to be undecanoic, complete liver safe and oral active form of testosterone

Технические характеристики
Тестовые задания Технические характеристики Результаты теста
Появление Белый или почти белый кристаллический порошок белый кристаллический порошок
Убыток от высыхания <=0,5% 0.21%
Оптическое вращение +69°~+74° 73.3°
(ВЭЖХ)Анализ 97-103.0% 98%
Свободная кислота 0.5%Максимум 0.21%
Заключение Вышеупомянутый продукт соответствует стандарту анализа Соответствовать




Andriol or testosterone undecanoate is an ester of testosterone which is used for the treatment of male hypogonadism, и в настоящее время исследуется для использования в качестве мужского противозачаточного средства., Andriol is sold and distributed under the brand names Andriol, андерстор, небидо, пантон, рестандол.

Testosterone undecanoate is a version of the anabolic steroid testosterone undecanoatedeveloped by the pharmaceutical company organon, Говорят, что тестостерон поступает в организм в виде жира через лимфатическую систему., опыт пользователя показывает, что в дозе менее 240 мг в день, эффекты незначительны, за исключением каждого начала использования, хотя даже в более высокой дозе, эффект все еще минимален, Andriol is therefor thought that most of the steroid is somehow not making it into the blood stream.


The drug on paper seems to be a great oral testosterone product. Clean, safe and the world except for other oral testosterone derivatives such as mechild testosterone. But as we always hear in life, if it looks good, it is true that it might be. Andriol certainly has some problems. The first problem is bioavailability, although the apparent world in addition to trying to take direct testosterone orally, may not be significantly next to the c17alpha alkylated mouth.


Athletes often find that at doses less than 240 мг / день (6 capsules), the effect is usually not seen at all. 240mg testosterone every day, the main male androgen, only weak effect. When the dose increases, it may be 8-10 capsules (320-400мг), the new muscle grows slightly to moderate, but did not report incredible huge gains. Logic leads people to believe that only one testosterone is flowing in a way.

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