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Фармацевтическое сырье Sunifiram Safe Pass

Умные наркотики
Сертификация: ISO9001, GMP
Номер модели: Сунифирам
Минимум для заказа: 10г
Срок поставки: 4-7 Рабочие дни
Условия оплаты: Вестерн Юнион, MoneyGram, Т / Т, Биткойн
  • Характеристики

Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Sunifiram Safe Pass

Сунифирам (ДМ-235) химическое название и суффикс, указывающие на то, что эта форма стероида и полового гормона представляет собой тип спирта, содержащего две гидроксильные группы


наименование товара Сунифирам
Химическое название ДМ-235
Количество CAS 1379686-29-9
Номер EINECS 212-729-3
Молекулярная формула C14H12F6N2O
Молекулярный вес 338.2482992
Анализ 99.5%
Появление белый порошок



Sunifiram is one of the newest nootropics on the market to smart drugs family. It is considered to be in the ampakine family of supplements. It increases one’s attention span, принятие решения, and learning abilities. Although it is believed to work much like Piracetam, it is highly potent in comparison. The structure is similar, but some have reported Sunifiram being 1000 times more potent. In terms of its potency, it’s comparable to Noopept.

It is being researched as a memory enhancer, potentially treating Alzheimer’s patients. It provides a wide variety of benefits including; increased attention span, improved focus, and increased learning potential. It has become very popular since its release, as the benefits are high and the side-effects are low.


Описание продукта


This compound is known as AMPAkine because it plays most of its role through the AMPA receptor (the three major subtypes of glutamate receptors, NDMA and kainate). This enhancement of the AMPA function also appears to depend on the enhancement of signal transduction through the glycine binding site of the NMDA receptor, although the smallest signal passes through the NMDA receptor, whereas the benefit of the AMPA receptor appears to be dose-dependent.


Сунифирам (ДМ-235) is a piperazine-derived ampakine drug that acts as a positive constitutive modulator for AMPA receptors and has a puzzle effect that is significantly higher than that of picaramide in animal studies. Many of the related compounds are known, most notably single chain urea (ДМ-232).

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