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» Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)

Muscle Bodybuilding Androstanolone Raw Material White Crystal Powder Stanolone

Прочие горячие продажи (Сырой порошок)
наименование товара : андростанолон
Торговые названия : Anaboleen, Anabolex, Anaprotin, Andractim, Androlone, Apeton, Gelovit, Neodrol, Ophtovital, Pesomax, Stanaprol, and Stanolone
Routes of administration : Transdermal (gel), in the cheek, under the tongue, intramuscular injection (as esters)
ATC code : A14AA01
Bioavailability : что объясняет способность этих методов контроля над рождаемостью предотвращать овуляцию и, таким образом, предотвращать беременность.: Very low Intramuscular: High
Metabolism : Liver
Biological half-life : 2.8 часы
Синонимы : Станолон; Дигидротестостерон; DHT; 5α-Dihydrotestosterone; 5α-DHT
Число : 521-18-6
  • Характеристики

Muscle Bodybuilding Androstanolone Raw Material White Crystal Powder Stanolone

Muscle bodybuilding use androstanolone raw material white crystal powder stanolone CAS 521-18-6
Он регулирует гонадотропную секрецию и дифференцировку вольфова протока.:
наименование товара: Андростанолон (stanolone) DHT
# 521-18-6
Purity ≥99%
Active half-life 8-9hrs
Dosage 40mg daily
Detection time 2 месяцы
использование :Stanolone with metabolism complex in the product, more is converted into the active hormone. For the treatment of male hypogonadism and sperm reducing infertility.
Появление: white fine powder

Androstanolone is chemically identical to DHT. DHT is mainly formed in the testes, the hair follicles, the adrenal glands and the prostate gland and is produced when testosterone interacts with an enzyme in the body. In the womb, DHT stimulates the development of male characteristics of the male embryo and fetus. During puberty, it is involved in developing other male characteristics such as body and facial hair and the deepening of the voice. Later in life, the level of DHT is usually much lower, and its presence can cause problems.

Androstanolone is identical to the body’s own dihydrotestosterone which, as we know, is formed by the peripheral conversion of testosterone. Some therefore call Androstanolone a synthetic dihydrotestosterone. Androstanolone has a predominantly androgenic effect and, due to its structure, cannot be converted into estrogen. For a fast buildup of power and muscle mass Androstanolone is of little value.

Androstanolone used to be the athlete’s favorite competition steroid since it helped to obtain a harder muscle through a lower fat content by increasing the androgen level without aromatizing. Numerous athletes used Androstanolone during workouts for doping tested championships since the substance remains in the body for only a short time and the testosterone/epitestosterone value is not influenced. Another positive characteristic is that the injectable version is not liver toxic. Сегодня, тем не мение, Androstanolone is rarely used by athletes. One reason for this is that almost all European and American compounds are no longer commercially available. The other reason is that most athletes use the still readily available Masteron which has similar effects. Neither the original nor a fake of Androstanolone is available on the black market.

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