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» Ноотропный



Синонимы:КОЛУРАЦЕТАМ;N-(2,3-Dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofuro[2,3-б]quinolin-4-yl)-2-(2-оксопирролидин-1-ил)ацетамид;1-Pyrrolidineacetamide,2-oxo-N-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2,3-dimethylfuro[2,3-б]quinolin-4-yl)-;Колурацетам, МКС-231;1-[N-(2,3-DiMethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofuro[2,3-б]quinolin-4-yl)carbaMoylMethyl]пирролидин-2-он;BCI-540;Колурацетам, >=99%;2-oxo-N-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2,3-dimethyl-furo[2,3-б]quinolin-4-yl)-1-pyrrolidineacetamide

  • Характеристики

High Purity MKC 231 Sarms Coluracetam CAS 135463-81-9 Nootropic Powder With Factory Price





Синонимы:КОЛУРАЦЕТАМ;N-(2,3-Dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofuro[2,3-б]quinolin-4-yl)-2-(2-оксопирролидин-1-ил)ацетамид;1-Pyrrolidineacetamide,2-oxo-N-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2,3-dimethylfuro[2,3-б]quinolin-4-yl)-;Колурацетам, МКС-231;1-[N-(2,3-DiMethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofuro[2,3-б]quinolin-4-yl)carbaMoylMethyl]пирролидин-2-он;BCI-540;Колурацетам, >=99%;2-oxo-N-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2,3-dimethyl-furo[2,3-б]quinolin-4-yl)-1-pyrrolidineacetamide

What is Nootropics

Nootropics are supplements, drugs, or functional foods, that enhance cognitive functions such as intelligence, объем памяти, and focus.

Nootropics, colloquially referred to assmart drugs,” have seen an influx of interest over the last several years as people search for ways to maximize their brain’s potential.

What is Coluracetam

(1)Колурацетам, as known as MKC-231 has been classed as a nootropic agent. It’s known to enhance cognitive effects, based on the ways in which it influences choline uptake. Originally developed to treat Alzheimer’s disease, Coluracetam was found to be more effective as a nootropic and is purely marketed as a cognitive enhancer.
(2)It is one of the newer racetam nootropics to reach the market. Since Coluracetam enhances levels of choline in the brain and body, it increases the production of acetylcholine. Without acetylcholine, we wouldn’t be able to remember the simplest of facts or move our muscles. It’s been reported that Coluracetam not only increases acetylcholine levels but also speeds up its flow.

Benefits and effects

(1)Coluracetam offers many benefits, тем не мение, the most exciting is its ability to improve long-term memory within memory-impaired individuals. Humans have tested Coluracetam, but the majority of testing has taken place with animals. When tested on rats using a commonly used maze test, memory improved. The effects continued, improving memory after this supplement had left their system. This shows that Coluracetam may have potentially long-term effects.
(2)Как уже упоминалось, when tested within the Phase 2A trails, Coluracetam showed that it was effective in treating both depression and anxiety. Some patients had not experienced any positive effects in the past by taking anti-depressants, yet experienced the benefits associated with Coluracetam. While assessing depression levels, 36 percent of participants experienced significant improvements.
(3)Many other users also expressed the way in which this supplement creates feelings of contentment and deep peace. When used with other racetams, Coluracetam produces nootropic-like effects. Not only is memory improved, but decision making, along with a number of other cognitive effects increase. This has been shown through a number of studies, reporting that Coluracetam enhances the overall speed of cognition and concentration levels.
(4)Coluracetam has also been shown to have stimulant effects. If you suffer from dreariness in the morning, taking this nootropic could help increase energy levels so that you’re able to approach the day with improved motivation. This will help you complete tasks, maintaining an edge in the workplace.


Since the study subjects were mainly rats, there isn’t any recommended human dosages, but there is a general guideline for conversion.

In rats, the dosage ranged between 1 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg per day. By using allometric scaling, the dose becomes 2.9 mg/kg in humans, so the average dose should not exceed 203.5 mg daily for someone in a typical weight class.

There isn’t very much information to indicate toxicity of Coluracetam, although doses given at the above increments showed no negative side effects. If you haven’t used a nootropic before, you may develop headache after use, which is a common in first time users. By stacking the Coluracetam with Choline, you’ll reduce this risk.


Memory and Learning
Coluracetam is shown to improve cognitive function and memory in rats, and in theory, the same results are expected in human beings. A study conducted by BrainCells Inc, showed a memory improvement in rats who were given substance AF64A (a neuron-specific neurotoxin) для 8 days along with Coluracetam in 3mg doses. These rats were put through the standardized Morris Water Maze to mark their ability to get through it, and even up to 72 hours after the last 8mg dose, they were still able to. Another key finding of this study was that the results were still apparent 3 days after the last dose, even though the serum concentration of Coluracetam was negligible.

Depression and Anxiety

BrainCells Inc, found that a dosage of 240mg (split into three daily doses of 80mg) was useful in treating major depression co-morbid with GAD (генерализованное тревожное расстройство). тем не мение, the differences were most pronounced in those who didn’t find relief in using standard antidepressants. After one dose, there were no noticeable differences, but after 2 doses at 80mg, 36% had improved scores during a depression assessment test.


Coluracetam has been associated with optic benefits such as enhanced color vision, recognition and vividness. Although there isn’t any conclusive evidence to support the mechanisms behind this benefit, experts believe that Coluracetam works in the part of the brain that runs visual processes.

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Горячая распродажа
1 Тестостерон энантат КЕЙС: 315-37-7
2 Тестостерона ацетат КЕЙС: 1045-69-8
3 Тестостерон пропионат КЕЙС: 57-85-2
4 Тестостерон ципионат КЕЙС: 58-20-8
5 Тестостерон фенилпропионат КЕЙС: 1255-49-8
6 Тестостерон изокапроат КЕЙС: 15262-86-9
7 Деканоат тестостерона КЕЙС: 5721-91-5
8 Тестостерон ундеканоат КЕЙС: 5949-44-0
9 Сустанон 250
11 Туринабол КЕЙС: 855-19-6
12 Оральный туринабол КЕЙС: 2446-23-3
13 Станолон КЕЙС: 521-18-6
14 Нандролон Деканоат (ДЕТИ) КЕЙС: 360-70-3
15 Нандролон ципионат КЕЙС: 601-63-8
16 Нандролон фенипропионат (АЭС) КЕЙС: 62-90-8
17 Болденона ацетат КЕЙС :2363-59-9
18 Болденон ундесиленат (Equipoise) КЕЙС: 13103-34-9
19 Дростанолон пропионат (также уменьшить жировые отложения) КЕЙС: 521-12-0
20 Дростанолон энантат КЕЙС: 472-61-1
21 Метенолона ацетат (Примоболан) КЕЙС: 434-05-9
22 Метенолон энантат КЕЙС: 303-42-4
23 Тренболона ацетат КЕЙС: 10161-34-9
24 Тренболон энантат
25 Тренболон гексагидробензилкарбонат КЕЙС: 23454-33-3
26 Эпиандростерон КЕЙС: 481-29-8
Оральный стероид
27 Анавар КЕЙС: 53-39-4
28 Анадрол КЕЙС: 434-07-1
29 Винстрол КЕЙС: 10418-03-8
30 Дианабол КЕЙС: 72-63-9
31 Супердрол КЕЙС: 3381-88-2
32 Тамоксифен цитрат (Нолвадекс) КЕЙС: 54965-24-1
33 Кломифен цитрат (Кломид) КЕЙС: 50-41-9
34 Торемифен цитрат (Фарестон) КЕЙС: 89778-27-8
35 Фемара КЕЙС: 112809-51-5
36 Аромазин КЕЙС: 107868-30-4
37 Провирон КЕЙС: 1424-00-6
38 Аримидекс КЕЙС: 120511-73-1
39 КЕЙС: 566-48-3
40 Каберголин (Соответствовать) КЕЙС: 81409-90-7
41 Финастерид КЕЙС: 98319-26-7
42 дутастерид КЕЙС: 164656-23-9
43 Древности (МК-2866) КЕЙС: 841205-47-8
44 Кардарин (GW-501516) КЕЙС: 317318-70-0
45 Андарин (S4) КЕЙС: 401900-40-1
46 Лигандрол (LGD-4033) КЕЙС: 1165910-22-4
47 Ибутаморен (МК-677) КЕЙС: 159752-10-0
48 RAD140 КЕЙС: 118237-47-0
49 SR9009 КЕЙС: 1379686-30-2
50 YK11 КЕЙС: 431579-34-9
Улучшение секса
51 Аванафил КЕЙС: 330784-47-9
52 Варденафил КЕЙС: 224785-91-5
53 КЕЙС: 119356-77-3
54 Тадалафил КЕЙС: 171596-29-5
56 Варденафила гидрохлорид КЕЙС: 431579-34-9
57 Гидрохлорид КЕЙС: 431579-34-9
58 Йохимбина гидрохлорид КЕЙС: 65-19-0

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