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Turinabol testostérone stéroïde anabolisant acétate de chlorotestostérone acétate de clostébol

Autres produits en vente chaude (Poudre brute)
Attestation : ISO 9001
Lieu d'origine : Chine
Prix : négociable
Modalités de paiement : T/T, Western union, MoneyGram
Capacité d'approvisionnement : 500kg/lot
Heure de livraison : dans 24 heures
Détails de l'' emballage : discret
MOQ : No min order
  • Caractéristiques

Turinabol testostérone stéroïde anabolisant acétate de chlorotestostérone acétate de clostébol

product Name: 4-Chlorodéhydrométhyltestostérone , turinabol-oral
Chemical name: 4-Chloro-17a-méthyl-17b-hydroxy-1,4-androstadiène-3-one; 4-chloro-17a-méthyl androst-1,4 diène-3-17b-dione
: 2446-23-3
Dosages: 99% min
Formule moléculaire: C20H27ClO2
Masse moléculaire: 334.88
Apparence: Poudre cristalline blanche ou blanche

Turinabol Usage:

Turinabol oral, communément appelé OT, est un dérivé du Dianabol. It is designed to work without causing water retention or estrogenic effects. As a 17-alpha alkylated steroid, toutefois, it can be toxic to the liver.Users of OT experience slow, steady gains that give the muscle a defined look probably because of the lack of water retention. Although OT was first developed in the 1960’s, it has made its way back into popularity today, probably because if its low health risks and quality muscle mass it produces.
User Notes: Récemment, Oral-Turinabol has found its way back into the hands of athletes all over the world. It’s thenewsexy drug that’s actually very old. It was the East German secret weapon when their sports doping program was at it’s height.
O-T, or T-bol as it’s sometimes called, is a very nice strength and mass drug, and since it can’t convert to estrogen, can even be used on a cutting diet. For this reason, it gets mymost versatile oralaward.
Most users do fairly well with doses between 40 et 60 milligrams per day, taken in divided doses.

La description :
4-Chlorodéhydrométhyltestostérone, sold under the brand name Oral Turinabol, is an anabolic steroid. It is a chlor-substituted version of methandrostenolone (Dianabol). Turinabol was the first original product of Jenapharm, an East German pharmaceutical company. The patent registration took place in 1961. The idea of combining the structures of 4-chlorotestosterone and methandrostenolone originated from the chemist Albert Stachowiak.At the time this represented a unique dissociation of anabolic and androgenic effects after oral administration.[1] The product had been introduced for clinical use in 1965. Turinabol was the key steroid administered to approximately 10,000 athletes from East Germany (GDR). The doping program was run by the East German Government from about 1968 until 1989 when the Berlin wall was destroyed. The doping program was known as STASI 14.25. The doping was done in secret and it was only in the 1990s when Franke and Berendonk looked closely at the original archived information was the true scope of just how well-planned and successful the doping regime had been (in terms of medal success and world record performances)

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