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Médicaments intelligents

» Médicaments intelligents

  • Matières premières pharmaceutiques Fladrafinil / CRL-40 941 CAS 90212-80-9

    Médicaments intelligents

    Paiement & Conditions d'expédition:

    Quantité minimum d'achat: 10g
    Prix: Négociable
    Détails de l'' emballage: Camouflage
    Heure de livraison: 3-7jours de travail
    Modalités de paiement: MoneyGram, Western union, T/T,bitcoins
    Capacité d'approvisionnement: 1000kg
    • Caractéristiques

    Poudre blanche Aniracetam CAS de drogues futées de Nootropics de poudre 90212-80-9

    Nom du produit: Fladrafinil
    CAS Registry Number 90212-80-9
    Apparence Poudre blanche
    Classe Qualité pharmaceutique
    Pureté 99%
    Standard ISO 9001
    Minimum order quantity 10 gramme
    Prix Négociable

    What is Fladrafinil:
    Le Fladrafinil est également appelé CRL-40,941 ou fluorafinil.. C'est un agent favorisant l'éveil que l'on retrouve dans la classification eugéroïque des médicaments.. Fladrafinil is closely related to adrafinilandmodafinil. Though it’s chemical composition and effects are very similar, it is capable of producing anti-aggressive effects while adrafinildoesn’t have this ability. Fladrafinil is the bis(p-fluoro) ring-substituted derivative ofadrafinil. It promotes wakefulness and thought acceleration. It increases cognitive function, motivation, and improves memory as it works on dopamine and histamine neurotransmitters in the brain.

    Fladrafinil effects:
    The drug is reported to have little or no side effects when taken at the correct dose over a short period of time. Fladrafinil is ONLY designed and intended for short term use. Long-term use and misuse of the drug can affect our brain in many ways. This medicine blocks the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine in the presynaptic cleft immediately upon being released. Long-term use of the drug causes lesions on cerebral blood pathways and brain injury affects the efficiency of neurotransmitter substances in our brain.

    Fladrafinil dosage:
    Fladrafinil is 3-4 more potent thanadrafinil. New users should start with 30-80 mgs within 14-16 hours daily, and anadrafinil moderate dose is between 30-100 mg par jour. The dosage to be increased as the effects are being experienced as the body reacts towards the dose. Dosage should not exceed 200mgs per day.

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