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  • Powderful Superdrol Powder Methyldrostanolone Anabolic Steroid Powder

    Andere Hot-Sale-Produkte (Rohpulver)
    Modell-Nr : 3381-88-2
    Zertifizierung : ISO9001
    Herkunftsort : Wuhan,Hubei
    MOQ : 10 Gramm
    Preis : US 1-2/gram
    Zahlungsbedingungen : T/T bank transfer, Western Union, MoneyGram,Bitcoin
    Lieferfähigkeit : 100kg/Monat
    Lieferzeit : 3-7 werktags
    Verpackungsinformationen : Diskrete Verpackung für Liefergarantie
    Produktname : Methyldrostanolon,Superdrol powder
    Alias : Methasteron,M-Drol, S-Drol, Methastadrol
    FALL : 3381-88-2
    MF : C21H34O2
    MW : 318.49
    Reinheit : 99% Mindest
    Aussehen : Weißes oder fast weißes kristallines Pulver
    White Powder Muscle Building Steroide Epiandrosteron : White Powder Muscle Building Steroide Epiandrosteron
    • Spezifikationen

    Powderful Superdrol Powder Methyldrostanolone Anabolic Steroid Powder


    Superdrol is an anabolic steroid that carries a bit of a unique history compared to many anabolic steroids.Superdrol itself is merely a brand name of an over the counter anabolic steroid sold as a pro hormone or nutritional supplement by Anabolic Extreme.While an anabolic steroid, the active hormone.


    Methyldrostanolone is a very powerful supplement. In as little as 10 Tage, those on Superdrol will notice large increases in strength. Superdrol ist eine anabole Substanz, was bedeutet, dass es die Proteinsynthese fördert, und damit Muskelkraft. Wenn Muskeln stärker werden, Sie wachsen. Letzten Endes, Superdrol-Anwender erleben große Zuwächse an Muskelmasse, weil ihre Muskeln viel stärker werden. Superdrol also shortens recovery time. This means those on Superdrol can lift weights faster after their last workout than would normally be the case. It is almost impossible to overtrain while taking Superdrol, and more time in the gym equals more muscle mass.

    In Ergänzung, Superdrol also increases the length and quality of workouts. Rest time between sets is diminished because muscles do not need as much time as normal to recover. With more workouts that are longer and more efficient, it is rather easy to see how Superdrol can help someone achieve more lean muscle.


    The recommended use for this product is about 20mg to 40mg per day, depending on goals. With the cycle not being any longer than 6 Wochen. Superdrol has been widely reported as being abused, with guys staying on cycle as long as 12 Wochen, with devastating results on their liver functions.

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